2011년 7월 28일 목요일

Experience with unreal engine3

I have been programming with unreal script for 1years and 6 months. I have never used script language for professional development before. Because I don’t like their performance, difficulty in debugging. So I even didn’t touch them. But, with unreal engine 3 I have to write game play code with unreal script. It was quite good because at least compile is faster than c++. but when I use native c++ the advantage with script language was gone. it really really annoyed me all the time. I makes me feeling like dum.

Anyway, I’m not programming with unreal script anymore. Currently I am adding new rendering feature to engine. I am happy now. Recentlry I added volumetric particle shadow feature. added some shader code in native engine code, and custom material expression to material editor and variables to ParticleSystem. I think the output is cool. Artists liked the volume shadow a lot.

A few days ago I read about material function feature, I thought that it is useful for replacing custom shader node in material editor. but it didn’t work our build and udk. I hope the feature work soon.

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